SPOTLIGHT OF THE WEEK:     May 16, 1999

    On Saturday, May 15, 1999  M & M Meat Shops put on their annual
    Charity BBQ to benefit the Crohn's & Colitis Foundation of Canada.
    The Charity BBQ Day supports inflammatory bowel disease research.
    For a minimum donation of $2 everyone could enjoy a hamburger or
    hot-dog, soft drink and bag of potato chips.

    It was a beautiful day and there was a good turnout.  

    The food and entertainment was great and a good time was had by all!


                   Sharon & Jerry Bulthuis, of Elliot Lake's M & M Meat Shop

Sharon & Jerry Bulthuis, owners,  Elliot Lake's M & M Meat Shop


                        Great turnout for M & M's charity BBQ

                                  Great turnout for M & M's charity BBQ

                        Bucky Seymour of B&G Glass and Bobby Alexander, from 94.1 FM

         Buckey Seymour, of B & G Glass and Bobby Alexander, from 94.1 FM      

                        Jerry Bulthuis & the Young Brothers

                                      Jerrry Bulthuis and the Young Brothers


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